The ultimate payment platform for Discord!

Pay for services and send gifts to your friends in Discord or monetize your Discord bots in a matter of minutes!

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For users

Easily pay for services and send gifts to your friends in Discord!

Get started by connecting Tipup to your Discord account. You can use Tipup commands in direct messages or in any server! Alternatively, you can just invite the bot to your server.

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You received 100 tokens from @GuyBestFriend
Hope you have a great day ❤️

For developers

Monetize your Discord bot in matter of minutes with Tipup.

Allow users to make microtransactions as low as 0,01 € without any transaction fees. Create a payment flows only using a single function, without any additional setup (such as webhooks, etc).

For developers
client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
  if (!interaction.isButton()) return;
  const payment = await tipupClient.requestPayment({ 
    tokens: 100,
  if (payment.status === "PAID") {
    // Payment was successful
    // We should give the product to the user

One wallet for all bots and servers

Your Tipup wallet is synchronized across all bots and servers using Tipup. Once you deposit balance, you can use it with any service you wish.

One wallet, unlimited servers

Connect Tipup to your Discord account!

Start using Tipup by connecting it to your Discord account by clicking the button below.
We strongly recommend you to choose "Try it now" option since it allows you to use Tipup anywhere in Discord.

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